Clean Team & Graffiti Removal
Since August 2018, LQ BID has commissioned a Clean Team to provide an enhanced cleaning, graffiti removal and power washing service for the district. After the BID was re-elected in 2023, we invested in this resource, increasing to six days per week.
The team maintains our assets, such as Flax Fields, Flaxx, the parklets, Bankmore Square and other public realm interventions, but we can also take member requests for power-washing, graffiti removal and litter picking.
If you are a Linen Quarter levy payer and would like to arrange enhanced cleaning around your area please e-mail and we will be happy to assist.
How is this different to council cleansing services?
Council services are only responsible for public pavements. They will not always clean the strip of land around buildings, including private doorways. Nor will they clean other types of private land, including removal of graffiti from buildings. If the Linen Quarter Team Clean was not in place many jobs would simply not get done, and the District would be in a worse state as a result.