News / 31st July 2023
Streetbeat Update
This month, LQ BID’s dedicated Streetbeat officer, Constable Sarah Craig, has engaged extensively with LQ businesses. To increase visibility and build confidence, the Streetbeat team have carried out bi-weekly foot patrols in the district. There has been a particular focus on Bankmore Square and Dublin Road, to ensure our newly reopened green space is safe for all to use.
Officers have intervened in over thirty instances of ASB, including drug use and on-street drinking. There has also been two arrests for graffiti, and one arrest for criminal damage.
Our Streetbeat Officers regularly engage with partners such as Welcome Centre, SOS, and Extern. This month they have made over ten partner referrals to ensure the most vulnerable get access to the support they need.
Linen Quarter BID also continues to work with police and other partners in relation to graffiti prevention, business engagement and crime prevention.
Local organisations in the Linen Quarter can contact Constable Craig directly for any assistance they may need;
07825 634384