News / 18th February 2025


The corporate network enables the charity to deliver life-saving care and enhance city safety

18 February 2025: SOS NI has today announced that LQ BID has become the founding member of The Compass Alliance – a corporate initiative dedicated to making Belfast City Centre a safer, more compassionate place.

Members contribute financial support to ensure that the charity can carry out its vital services such as its primary solution, SOS Bus NI, which supports the homeless, those with addictions, as well as people who become vulnerable in the city at nighttime. Crucially, SOS NI and its volunteers reduce the rising strain on emergency services by operating during high-risk times such as the weekends and at large public events.

Speaking about the partnership, Managing Director of LQ BID, Chris McCracken said, We are proud to be the first member of The Compass Alliance. The initiative complements the ongoing commitment we have to safety interventions across the Linen Quarter including dedicated policing, and enhanced lighting and CCTV.

“Belfast City Centre is a safe and enjoyable place, largely due to the incredible collaboration that exists amongst Belfast City Council, the PSNI, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, hospitality businesses, the city’s three BIDs and the many organisations with the same vision and ambition as SOS NI. We must remember that Belfast’s night-time economy is particularly valuable to the region, and initiatives like The Compass Alliance allow every organisation the opportunity to play a role in protecting it.”

This picture shows SOS Bus workers in yellow jackets next to the Linen Quarter BID's Managing Director all holding a yellow SOS sign that reads,

The Compass Alliance is open to all businesses and organisations to join, with varying membership levels available. Those who join will be supporting services that make a tangible difference to those who live in, work in and visit the city by helping SOS NI bridge a critical gap in care and reducing pressure on emergency services.

As Mags Dunne, Chair of SOS NI, explained, it’s important that other organisations follow LQ BID’s lead. She said, “LQ BID’s commitment sets a new standard for corporate social responsibility in Belfast and paves the way for a new conversation around city centre safety. The Compass Alliance is an opportunity for those who share in our passion for making Belfast safer, and our commitment to community wellbeing.”

Every Friday and Saturday night, the SOS Bus NI team operate the ‘Big Yellow Bus’ on Rosemary Street, delivering first aid, mental health support, and harm reduction interventions, whilst two satellite welfare minibuses patrol the city, actively identifying and assisting those in need. Teams receive direct requests for assistance via PSNI radio systems, local venue staff, CCTV operators, and the SOS NI emergency helpline.

During the day, SOS NI supports Belfast’s homeless community, those struggling with addiction, and individuals with poor mental health, all of whom often face severe challenges accessing traditional health and social care services. The charity also operates a Student Mental Health Clinic at the city’s two universities, provides services at the city’s large-scale events, and provides training to ensure more people are equipped with the skills to make Belfast safer.”

Mags concluded, “Since 2006, our service has grown to become an integral part of Belfast’s crisis intervention and welfare supports. Our dedicated volunteer team of 150 front-line active volunteers have provided compassionate care, mental health interventions, and crisis support to thousands of vulnerable people in need. Our 2030 vision is to become an indispensable pillar of public health and safety in Northern Ireland, creating a city where no one is left without care. Together, we can shape a brighter future for our city and all of our people.”

To learn more about The Compass Alliance and how to join visit Alternatively interested parties can contact Veronica Morris on or telephone 028 90664505.

View The Compass Aliiance Brochure

See How Your Organisation Can Support SOS Bus NI