News / 29th June 2021

New Planting In LQ

The BID is delighted to showcase our exciting new planting beside the Thomas Thompson Fountain and on Linenhall Street. Designed and installed by Cameron Landscapes and McQuillan, these high-quality installations provide an arc of planting from the fountain through to our new Parklet on Linenhall Street.

The old planting surrounding our historic Thompson Fountain has been stripped and replaced, along with fresh planting on Clarence Street West, leading to Linenhall Street, beside the parklet. The parklet itself also contains colourful planting.

These installations provide a more attractive, greener environment for professionals as they return to their offices.

If you are attending our Parklet Launch on Friday, be sure to check out the new additions which make our district brighter and more vibrant.

For more information on planting across LQ, please contact