News / 21st May 2024
LQ BID Launches 5th Annual Health Week

Almost 80 Free Events As Part Of Our 5th Annual Health Week
From 10-16th of June 2024, employees of Linen Quarter BID based organisations can enjoy free access to almost 80 health focused events, to inspire and support improved health and well-being.
New additions this year include Sound Healing, Bollyfit Dancing, Walking Tours and a Group Running Club, alongside returning favourites such as yoga classes, personal health checks and a dog petting session.
Throughout Health Week, employees across the Linen Quarter will also receive fre access on request to Pure Gym on Adelaide Street, which includes the ability to take part in any of their almost 50 weekly fitness classes.
All Health Week events are free to attend, but space is limited. To secure a spot at any of the events, download the brochure below and click the relevant link inside!
If you have any questions, you can contact LQ BID’s Healthy & Sustainable Manager by email at