News / 4th April 2024
Hope Street transformation project update
The Hope Street site is located on the corner of Hope Street and Great Victoria Street, adjacent to the Holiday Inn hotel. It is currently a unused surface car park. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) owns the site and is currently working on a mixed tenure, housing-led development proposal.
NIHE delivered a number of public consultation events in November 2023 to learn about the views of local residents and other stakeholders on the future of the site, and showcase a concept design for site. The designs were revised as a direct result of this consultation. The consultations highlighted a desire for more social housing on the site with a preference for houses rather than apartments. In response to this the designs now include a row of townhouses (social tenure) along Wellwood Street, while the height of some apartment blocks has been reduced to sensitively integrate with the lower density in this part of the development.
To learn more about the project and next steps, please refer to the project update flyer.