News / 6th March 2020
Big Clean Up in LQ
The Linen Quarter BID is organising a ‘Big Spring Clean’ in conjunction with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful on Friday 20 March (officially the first day of Spring). This is part of a national initiative which in 2019 was supported by 560,000 volunteers from all walks of society.
Linen Quarter BID invite local organisations, businesses and communities to get involved, encouraging you to give up a little time to take part in the organised clean-up. This will include litter picking, gardening, graffiti removal, and power washing. The main areas include Ormeau Avenue, Bedford Street, Dublin Road, Bankmore Park, Great Victoria Street, and Blackstaff Square.
The centre piece of the initiative is the cleaning of the Thomas Thompson Memorial Fountain. This beautiful piece of heritage architecture is currently lying neglected and unloved on a traffic island at the top of Ormeau Avenue. Yet it tells the story of one of Belfast’s greatest sons, Dr Thomas Thompson, who saved the lives of thousands of people through his clean water campaigns, and gave solace to the sick through the opening of the Belfast Hospital for Incurables (thought to be a neglected heritage building on Great Victoria Street).
To highlight the importance of our built heritage, and to start to retell the great story of a Belfast humanitarian, the Linen Quarter BID are going to fund a professional clean-up of the Fountain. This will include low powered washing of the four facades and removal of weeds and undergrowth from the stonework. This will be conducted in advance of the Spring Clean but finished for the 20 March.
The success of Big Spring Clean depends on local volunteers so if you can spare two hours from 2pm to 4pm on Friday 20 March we would be delighted to welcome you.
Every volunteer will receive equipment and safety information and will be rewarded with a free coffee courtesy of Starbucks. It is also an opportunity to meet your neighbours and do something worthwhile for your local area. The Minister for Communities has been invited to join us and photography for each team will be made available (helping support your own CSR and social media).
If you would like more information, or would like to sign up, please contact