News / 29th May 2023

Start of rejuvenation works at Bankmore Square

To further enhance the Linen Quarter as a destination the BID have commissioned Obaro to complete a full rejuvenation of Bankmore Square in anticipation of permanent public realm improvements works on the Square as part of the Belfast Rapid Transport 2 (North-South Glider) route.

The proposed works aim to restore Bankmore Square as a safe, usable and accessible green space in the short term with a view to discourage anti-social behaviour such as substance abuse and rough sleeping, activities that are currently prevalent in the Square.

The works include installation of hardstanding surface on the central circular feature for the purpose of facilitating pop-up uses that will introduce social vibrancy to the Square, while the partial removal of the wall and hedging along the Bedford Street / Dublin Road boundary will visually open the green space up to areas with high footfall (Bedford Street and Dublin Road), thereby providing a higher level of social surveillance. Hedging and accompanying fencing around the Eastern and Southern boundaries of the square will also be removed to visually open up the Square further. Additional tree warp lighting will improve the user experience during evenings, particularly during winter months and thereby address community safety concerns.

The relaying of existing grass lawns and repairing existing paths within Bankmore Square (including land drainage improvements), while adding new green features such as a wildflower meadow and installation of climbing plants around the toilet block will provide a high-quality green space for surrounding communities to use while also boosting biodiversity and sustainability through the inclusion of pollinator species.

It is anticipated that the works will be completed before the end of June.