Regeneration & Investment Project Overview
Why is Urban Regeneration Important?
Linen Quarter BID believe that a dense urban environment that is home to a mix of uses helps to create a vibrant and welcoming streetscape that supports active travel, community safety and economic spend.
The Linen Quarter BID area, already home to almost 400 businesses, will continue to grow as a pre-eminent destination for offices, hospitality and city centre living in the coming years. Ongoing and proposed developments within the area total investment worth more than 1 billion GBP and include some of the largest transport schemes in Northern Ireland (e.g. Belfast Grand Central Station and Weavers Cross urban district). There are also a number of exciting hotel and residential developments planned, which, once realized, will add to the already vibrant character of the District.
Currently there are 40+ ongoing and proposed developments within the Linen Quarter BID area and its immediate surroundings. The Belfast Grand Central Station and associated Weavers Cross developments will boost the Durham St / Glengall St area of to the city centre by bringing in a new urban quarter that introduces a large variety of uses and footfall to this part of town. Other major transport and public realm improvement schemes include Streets Ahead phase V, the North-South Glider route, and the Lagan pedestrian / cyclist bridge.
Offices and residential schemes represent the bulk of the developments. There are a number of large office schemes under development / proposed on Linenhall Street as well as on the location of the former Dublin Road cinema (currently occupied by TradeMarket) for Kainos new international headquarters. The Dublin Road area is emerging as a desirable place for city centre living, with various Purpose Built Student Accommodation schemes planned on the Dublin Road cinema site, Filth McNasty’s site, and Fanum House site. The surface car parks along Ormeau Avenue are also earmarked for new housing.
Other type of schemes include new (apart)hotel schemes on Bedford Street (Bedford Yard / The Dean / Scottish Mutual building) as well as Great Victoria Street, and the refurbishment of the BBC campus on Ormeau Avenue. A new museum is being planned for the Bryson House site.
In this regeneration overview you will find a brief description of the proposed programme along with the current planning status. The document also sets out the associated level of investment and developer (if known).
Projects List
Currently showing 0 items.
Bankmore Square rejuvenation
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Department for Infrastructure / Linen Quarter BID |
Overview | Temporary landscaping works to prelude permanent public realm works as part of the BRT2 (N-S Glider) scheme. Works include installation of hardstanding surface on the central circular feature; partial removal of the wall and hedging; additional tree warp lighting; relaying of existing grass lawns; repairing existing paths; and addition of green features such as a wildflower meadow and climbing plants. |
Grand Central Hotel
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £53M |
Developer(s) | Hastings Hotel Group |
Overview | Refurbishment, extension and change of use of the former Windsor House to a 304 Bedroom hotel with associated restaurant and bar facilities (on ground and 22nd floor) |
Maldron Hotel
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £24M |
Developer(s) | McAleer & Rushe / Dalata Hotel Group |
Overview | Erection of a 237 bedroom hotel building that includes reception, restaurants, bars, external terrace(s), meeting, conference, banqueting, leisure accommodation. |
Elms BT2
- Residential
Status | Completed |
Value | £21M |
Developer(s) | McAleer & Rushe / Queen’s University Belfast |
Overview | Erection of a 476 bedroom managed student residential building with ground floor retail, welfare facilities, external areas to include landscaped courtyards and an enclosed car park. |
Grosvenor Road MSCP
- Other
Status | Completed |
Value | £20M |
Developer(s) | McCausland Holdings |
Overview | A multi storey car park (575 parking spaces) and office accommodation for taxi business |
Hampton by Hilton
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £12M |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | Hotel development that includes 179 bedrooms to include restaurant and staff facilities. |
Ten Square Hotel extension
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £9M |
Developer(s) | Kilmona Property |
Overview | Extension of Ten Square Hotel that includes 121 ensuite bedrooms and ancillary accommodation in adjacent Lancashire House (3-5 Linenhall Street) and Scottish Amecable House (11 Donegall Square South), including elevational changes. |
Leonardo Hotel extension
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £9M |
Developer(s) | The Jury's Doyle Group |
Overview | Rear extension to existing Leonardo Hotel (formerly Jury's Inn) to provide 80 additional bedrooms, office suite(Class B1) and associated car parking. Changes to external façade. |
Easy Hotel (Howard Buildings)
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Value | £5M |
Developer(s) | David Crowe / EasyGroup |
Overview | Change of use of Howard Buildings from offices and dry cleaners unit into a hotel (81 bedrooms) and ground floor cafe. Single storey ground floor and third floor extension. Elevation changes. |
The Flint Hotel (Howard House)
- Hospitality
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Martin Property Group |
Overview | Change of use from offices to 55no serviced short stay/visitor suites and associated alterations including landscaping |
One Sussex Place
- Residential
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Mr. J. Bentata |
Overview | Retention, conversion and extension of former convent house for 6 one-bedroom and 6 two-bedroom apartments |
Flax House (83-91 Adelaide Street)
- Office
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Straidorn Properties |
Overview | Extensive refurbishment of existing six storey office building to include new rear extension and toilet facilities. |
Weaving Works (Armagh House)
- Office
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Karl Developments |
Overview | Change of use from vacant to offices (ground floor to third floor) and restaurant (ground floor). Single storey extension at roof level to create new fourth floor office space. |
Create Lab, 17-21 Bruce Street
- Office
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | Change of use from retail to office use on all 4 floors. |
Grand Opera House
- Cultural
Status | Completed |
Value | £12M |
Developer(s) | Grand Opera House Trust |
Overview | Complete Refurbishment |
The Vantage, 32 – 36 Great Victoria Street
- Office
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | SM Great Victoria Street Ltd (McAleer & Rushe) |
Overview | Refurbishment and extension of existing office building including elevational amendments |
Bedford Square phase 2, 17 Bedford Street
- Office
Status | Completed |
Value | £85M |
Developer(s) | Bedford Street Enterprises (McAleer & Rushe) |
Overview | The conservation, alteration, refurbishment and extension to the listed Ewart Building for office use and a 17 Storey new build mixed use development, with ground floor retail, offices above and associated basement car parking; and completion of a new civic square. |
Adelaide Street Public Realm
- Other
Status | Completed |
Developer(s) | Belfast City Council / OGU architects |
Overview | Extension of public pavement area to create additional space for social distancing, to include sheltered structures, seating, planters and elements of incidental play. |
Botanic Link, University Road
- Residential
Status | Completed |
Value | £18M |
Developer(s) | Botanic Link Ltd(CA Ventures / Lacuna Developments) |
Overview | A purpose built managed student accommodation with 253 beds comprised of 220 cluster beds and 33 studio flats, retail/café unit fronting Botanic Avenue, external amenity space, provision of cycle stands, public realm works at University road and Botanic Avenue |
Brunswick Street
- Other
Status | Completed |
Value | £0.2K |
Developer(s) | Linen Quarter BID |
Overview | Pedestrianised public space to include cafe/bar/storage container/canopy areas, performance stage, outdoor seating and associated works |
Belfast Grand Central Station
- Transport
Status | Completed |
Value | £340M |
Developer(s) | Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company / Translink |
Overview | New integrated public transport interchange comprising; station concourse, 26 bus stands, 8 railway platforms, bus maintenance and parking, bus access bridge, cycle parking, new public square, public realm improvements, highway improvements and infrastructure improvements. |
5 – 7 Little Victoria Street
- Residential
Status | Completed |
Value | £14M |
Developer(s) | ES Little Victoria Street Ltd (McAleer & Rushe) |
Overview | Demolition of existing building and erection of new 15 storey purpose built student accommodation building. |
30-44 Bradbury Place
- Residential
Status | Completed |
Value | £20M |
Developer(s) | Elkstone Partners |
Overview | Demolition of buildings and erection of a mixed-use development to include purpose built managed student accommodation with 100 en-suite cluster bedrooms and 56 studios and ancillary facilities with ground floor retail unit. 5 storeys addressing Bradbury Place and 6 storeys addressing Albion Lane to rear. |
Under Construction
Broadcasting House
- Cultural
Status | Internal fitout ongoing |
Value | £48M |
Developer(s) | BBC |
Overview | Internal reconfiguration and refurbishment of office spaces, update of technological infrastructure and a new entrance and landscaped plaza opening onto Linenhall Street |
14-16 Dublin Road (Movie House Site)
- Residential
Status | Under Construction |
Value | approx. £40 Million |
Developer(s) | Queen's University Belfast |
Overview | The erection of a Purpose Built, Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) development comprising c.475 units with communal facilities, internal and external communal amenity space and ancillary accommodation |
57 – 63 Dublin Road
- Residential
Status | Under construction |
Value | £7M |
Developer(s) | John Smyth's Estates |
Overview | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 10 storey mixed use development comprising a cafe on the ground floor and 85no. serviced apartments for both short and long term occupancy on the floors above. Sonder have been announced as the operator. |
Scottish Mutual Building, 15 – 16 Donegall Sq South
- Hospitality
Status | Internal fitout ongoing |
Developer(s) | Martin Property Group |
Overview | Conversion of the Scottish Mutual and 'The Warehouse' buildings into a luxury 5-star boutique hotel comprising of 102 no. bedrooms with public bars and restaurants on the ground floor. The new hotel will be named 'The Bedford Hotel' and will be operated by Focus Hotel Group on behalf of Martin property group. |
Gasworks northern fringe
- Hospitality
- Office
- Other
- Residential
Status | Outline application approved (March 2023) - partially under construction |
Size | Approx. 90,000 sq ft |
Developer(s) | Belfast City Council |
Overview | A large mixed use development containing 8 development plots that include residential, office, retail, commercial, 101 bedroom extension to the Voco hotel, multi-story car park with 231 spaces and community enterprise/ social enterprise spaces. Construction of the affordable housing element of plot A (corner of Cromac St and Raphael St), which consists of 19 apartments and 25 townhouses, has commenced. |
Proposed Projects
Healthworks (87-91 Great Victoria Street)
- Office
- Other
Status | Proposed |
Overview | Refurbishment of Park House into a three storey walk-in primary care centre |
Moxy by Marriott, Clarence Street West
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed |
Value | £7M |
Developer(s) | MHL Hotel Collection |
Overview | Refurbishment of the former Park Inn hotel into a 179 bedroom Moxy by Marriott. |
The Flint Hotel expansion
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed |
Value | £9.5M |
Developer(s) | Ringland Group |
Overview | Expansion of the current hotel to include a restaurant on the ground floor, 63 new bedrooms and a rooftop bar. |
Untold: The Museum, 28 Bedford Street
- Cultural
Status | Proposed |
Value | £13.6M |
Developer(s) | Royal Irish Regiment Benevolent Fund |
Overview | Complete refurbishment of Bryson House to provide museum galleries and associated services. Dedicated to showcasing untold stories of Irish soldiers serving in the British Army, 'Untold: the Museum' is scheduled to open by Summer 2027. |
Weaver’s Cross
- Hospitality
- Office
- Residential
Status | Application in progress |
Developer(s) | Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company / Translink |
Overview | Mixed use regeneration development associated with adjacent public transport interchange comprising, commercial, retail, hotel and residential uses, including elements of car parking, public realm and associated infrastructure and highway improvements. |
North – South Glider
- Transport
Status | Application in progress |
Value | £50M |
Developer(s) | Translink |
Overview | Road alignment works along Great Victoria Street, Bruce Street and Ormeau Road, with a new dedicated bus route linking Bruce Street with Ormeau Road along the Bankmore Street corridor. A reduced Bankmore Square will be upgraded to a high-quality public realm as part of the proposals. |
Street Ahead Phase V
- Transport
Status | Application in progress |
Value | £50M |
Developer(s) | Department for Communities |
Overview | Public realm improvement between Howard Street and Shaftesbury Square including road alignment works, planting, street furniture and associated works. |
Lagan Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge
- Transport
Status | Proposed (approved Mar 2021) |
Value | £10M |
Developer(s) | Department for Infrastructure |
Overview | Construction of a new pedestrian / cycling bridge over the river Lagan linking the Gas Works in the city centre with Ormeau Park in East Belfast. |
One Grosvenor Gate
- Office
Status | Proposed (approved June 2022) |
Developer(s) | G5 Gateway Offices Ltd |
Overview | Demolition of existing two storey building and erection of an office development with heights of 9-14 storeys with landscaping, parking, and associated development. |
The Brunswick, 5 – 7 Brunswick Street
- Residential
Status | Application in progress |
Developer(s) | Killultagh Estates |
Overview | Demolition of existing building and construction of a 12 storey, residential apartment development, with ancillary entrance lobby, car parking and retail accommodation at ground floor level. |
Former St Malachy’s School, Sussex Place
- Office
- Residential
Status | Proposed (Refused Jan 2022) |
Developer(s) | Xafinity Pension Trustees Ltd |
Overview | Conversion of former schoolhouse to cafe and office space with new 1st floor mezzanine; and conversion of former warehouse and erection of extension to provide 8 no. apartments with associated cycle parking. |
27 – 37 Linenhall Street
- Office
Status | Proposed (approved May 2023) |
Value | £14M |
Developer(s) | DOMUS UK Ltd |
Overview | Demolition of Nos. 27 to 37 Linenhall Street and Nos. 8-10 Clarence Street and erection of seven storey office building. |
Bedford Yard, 29 – 33 Bedford Street
- Hospitality
- Office
Status | Proposed (approved Feb 2021) |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | Refurbishment of existing four storey terrace to include part change of use from art galleries to two cafes at ground floor and retention of offices within existing building at second, third and fourth floor. Erection of new 13 storey aparthotel building to rear and associated works including public realm improvements. Staybridge Suites have been announced as the operator. The hotel is expected to be operational in late 2027. |
Dorchester House, 52-58 Great Victoria Street
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed (approved June 2024) |
Size | 61,000 sq ft |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | Redevelopment of existing nine storey building into a 136 unit apart-hotel including the addition of two floors on the top of the building. Adagio has been announced as the operator. The hotel is expected to be operational in late 2026. |
The Dean, 34-44 Bedford Street and 4-6 Clarence Street
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed (approved October 2024) |
Developer(s) | Bedford Way Limited |
Overview | Redevelopment of existing three storey terrace into a boutique hotel featuring 88 bedrooms, rooftop restaurant and terrace, and rooftop pool. |
1 – 3 Holmes Street
- Residential
Status | Proposed (approved Aug 2022) |
Developer(s) | TBC |
Overview | Outline residential development |
66 Great Victoria Street
- Other
Status | Proposed (approved Oct 2022) |
Developer(s) | Great Victoria Street Baptist Church |
Overview | Construction of replacement Church with provision of in-curtilage parking and all associated site works. |
68 – 72 Great Victoria Street
- Residential
Status | Proposed (approved Feb 2023) |
Developer(s) | Donaldson & Lyttle Property Ltd |
Overview | Proposed change of use of part first floor, complete second, third and fourth floors from offices to 26 No. residential apartments, including new window openings and balconies, provision of 2 No. new apartments on the existing roof, provision of ground floor extension for bin store and associated works. |
Hope Street Site
- Cultural
- Office
- Residential
Status | Application in progress |
Developer(s) | NIHE / Lincoln Group |
Overview | Mixed-use scheme including (social) housing, retail, and offices. Preliminary studies indicate a 3-6 storey residential bloc along Wellwood Street and two 7-11 storey residential blocs with ground floor retail/offices along Hope Street/Great Victoria Street |
Site bounded by Glenalpin Street Wellwood Street and Norwood Street
- Residential
Status | 1. Proposed (approved Oct 2020); 2. Proposed |
Developer(s) | 1. Glenalpin Street Ltd; 2. Artemis Developments |
Overview |
96 -110 Great Victoria Street (The Grattan)
- Residential
Status | Proposed (approved Dec 2024) |
Value | £55M |
Developer(s) | South Bank Square Ltd / Mr Seamus Gillan |
Overview |
One Bankmore Square (Movie House Site)
- Office
Status | Proposed (approved May 2024) |
Value | £27-30M |
Size | Approx. 100,000 sq ft |
Developer(s) | Kainos |
Overview | The northern half of the site has been earmarked for a Purpose-Built Grade A Office premises housing the Kainos international Headquarters, retail/restaurant unit on ground floor, external landscaped areas, and all associated site works .
HALT food market (former Europa Bus centre)
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed |
Developer(s) | MRP |
Overview | The food market is expected to be operational in Summer 2025. |
52 – 54 Dublin Road
- Residential
Status | Proposed (approved August 2021) |
Developer(s) | Salisbury Street Capital Ltd |
Overview | Demolition of existing building and erection of 8-storey building with retail/coffee shop at ground floor and 45No serviced apartments for both long and short term occupancy on the floors above. |
Carlton House 1-6 Shaftesbury Square
- Office
Status | Proposed (Approved Jan 2023) |
Developer(s) | Mr Alistair Steele |
Overview | Proposed re-cladding of and front extension to existing Carlton House office building, erection of six additional floors of office accommodation and public realm enhancement works extending along site frontage and Fulton Street. |
41-49 Dublin Road and 3-5 Ventry Street Belfast (Filthy McNasty site)
- Residential
Status | Proposed (approved December 2023) |
Developer(s) | FMN Properties Ltd |
Overview | Erection of a 11-storey Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation scheme with 210 bedrooms and a retail unit. Demolition commenced in January 2025 |
Former Donegall Pass PSNI Station
- Office
- Residential
Status | Application in progress |
Overview | Mixed-use scheme |
2-12 Botanic Avenue
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed |
Value | £17M |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | An 8-storey hotel development compromising 165 hotel rooms. YOTEL have been announced as the operator. The hotel is expected to be operational in late 2026. |
Murray’s Exchange PBSA
- Residential
Status | Proposed |
Developer(s) | Elkstone Partners |
Overview | Erection of a 270-bedroom purpose built managed student accommodation. |
Gasworks Northern Fringe Site C
- Office
Status | Proposed (approved April 2022) |
Value | £12M |
Developer(s) | Inislyn Ltd |
Overview | Erection of office building (ranging in height from four to six storeys) and associated access road, re-configuration of existing car park and ancillary works. |
Former Life Church, on land to the rear of 11 Bruce Street and immediately east of Holmes Street
- Hospitality
Status | Proposed (approved April 2024) |
Developer(s) | SOLOYOLO Ltd |
Overview | Change of Use from Church to Entertainment complex comprising a number of large-scale gaming opportunities, karaoke rooms, restaurant, bar and outdoor seating area. |
Unrealised Plans
Fitzwilliam Hotel extension
- Hospitality
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved Dec 2016) |
Value | £2M |
Developer(s) | Hotel Partners/ Graffan Developments Ltd |
Overview | Extension and reconfiguration of the existing Fitzwilliam Hotel to provide an additional 30no. bedrooms, new gym/spa facilities, roof garden/terrace and upgrade of the main entrance and ground level façade fronting Great Victoria Street and Grosvenor Road. |
Blackstaff Chambers, 2 Amelia street
- Office
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved Aug 2019) |
Developer(s) | Hastings Hotel Group |
Overview | Removal of existing mansard roof to front of building and replacement with new 4th floor envelope and associated façade/cladding. Removal of existing cladding to rear structure and reinstatement of cladding enhancement. Partial demolition of interior walls for reconfiguration of floor space. |
21 Linenhall Street
- Office
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved February 2020) |
Developer(s) | Keystone Properties Belfast Ltd |
Overview | Removal of existing roof void and replacement with single storey, flat roof extension to provide one residential unit, provision of associated plant at roof level and internal reconfiguration of existing office building. |
The Mercantile, 5 Donegall Square South
- Office
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved April 2019) |
Value | £14M |
Developer(s) | Killultagh Estates |
Overview | Demolition of existing building and erection of a new 9 storey mixed use development including two level basement incorporating car parking and shops on ground floor. |
Clarence Gallery, 28 Linenhall Street
- Office
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved Feb 2019) |
Developer(s) | Killultagh Estates |
Overview | Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new 8 storey office building, with roof plant, and associated public realm works. The site is currently being advertised as an redevelopment opportunity for a 160-unit aparthotel. |
122 – 124 Great Victoria Street
- Residential
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved June 2019) |
Developer(s) | S. & K. Pang |
Overview | Erection of 4 storey building comprising 2 ground floor restaurants with ground floor outdoor seating areas, 11 No. apartments on upper storeys and associated site works. |
Gasworks 22 Cromac Place
- Office
Status | Planning permission lapsed (approved Feb 2019) |
Value | £12M |
Developer(s) | Cromac Quay Ltd |
Overview | Erection of 6No. storey Grade A office development, incorporating a ground floor coffee bar, associated car parking, part retention and reconfiguration of existing car park, and all ancillary site works and landscaping. |
66 Great Victoria Street
- Office
Status | Lapsed (approved March 2010) | |
Value | £30M | |
Developer(s) | Great Victoria Street Baptist Church | |
Overview |
48 – 50 Great Victoria Street
- Office
Status | Lapsed (approved Feb 2015 after appeal) |
Developer(s) | Fischerwick Inns ltd |
Overview | Redevelopment of site to provide a 14-storey buiding comprising replacement Public House, replacement bookmakers and office above. |
Franklin House, 12 Brunswick Street
- Office
Status | refused Nov 2019 |
Developer(s) | Franklin Properties Ltd |
Overview | Demolition of existing series of pitched roofs/non-lighting; and replacement with a new flat roof to create a new elevational treatment along with new clerestory glazing panels on all elevations. |
9-21 St Andrew’s Square
- Hospitality
Status | Lapsed (approved March 2012) |
Developer(s) | Andras House |
Overview | A 128 bedroom hotel with associated uses including a bar, lounge and dining facilities |
40 Linenhall Street
- Office
Status | Lapsed (approved Jan 2015) |
Developer(s) | Kinler Properties |
Overview | Office development comprising 2 additional storeys (at 4m set back) and 1 additional storey (at 6.6m set back) above existing no. 40 Linenhall Street and associated 6 storey extension to rear with glazed atrium together with 9 storey development of vacant corner site. |
108 – 110 Great Victoria Street
- Hospitality
Status | Lapsed (approved Sept 2012) |
Developer(s) | South Bank Square Ltd / Mr Seamus Gillan |
Overview | Erection of 15 storey, 173 bedroom hotel with basement, including car parking. |
26 Linenhall Street
- Office
Status | Lapsed (approved May 2016) |
Developer(s) | 26 Linenhall Street Ltd |
Overview | 3 storey office extension and relocation of Clarence Street entrance and associated works. |
69 – 71 Great Victoria Street
- Residential
Status | Lapsed (approved Oct 2009) |
Developer(s) | Mrs R. Copeland & Mrs S. McKelvey |
Overview | A 10-storey building comprising 36no. apartments over a ground floor retail unit. |
Benedict’s Hotel, 12-20 Donegall Road
- Hospitality
Status | Lapsed (approved Aug 2015) |
Value | £2.5M |
Developer(s) | Elmoreton Ltd |
Overview | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 5 storey building consisting of 3 commercial units and 24 bedroom hotel on the first, second, third and fourth floors which will form as an annex to the existing Benedicts Hotel Complex. |
Opportunity Sites
Bankmore Street car parks
- Other
Status | Opportunity Sites |
Size | Approx .46,000 sq ft (11,000 + 22,000 + 13,000) |
Owner(s) | Department for Infrastructure / NIHE |
Opportunities / Limitations |
Charlotte Street car park
- Other
Status | Opportunity Sites |
Size | Approx. 24,000 sq ft |
Owner(s) | Belfast City Council |
Opportunities / Limitations |
Ormeau Avenue car park
- Other
Status | Opportunity Sites |
Size | Approx. 23,000 sq ft |
Owner(s) | Belfast City Council |
Opportunities / Limitations |
Ormeau Road / Donegall Pass corner
- Other
Status | Opportunity Sites |
Size | Approx. 60,000 sq ft |
Owner(s) | TBC |
Opportunities / Limitations |